Alexander Tsarev
Mushroom industry

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Watering the compost in phase 1

Perhaps, one of the most important moments in 1st phase compost preparation is the content of water in it. To water or not to, if to water, then how much and when – these questions cause constant headache for a compost yard’s technologist. The situation becomes more complicated, because it’s hard to reform flooded compost, especially in winter time. At the same time, you can rarely manage without any watering at all, (we’re talking about watering aside from the humidification of straw at compost filling). Undoubtedly, it’s easier for the technologist to find a place for watering at the mixing process, having the compost’s humidity test results in his hands.

Besides, special attention should be paid to the choice of samples for the tests. For example, if a sample of compost is taken from the surface of a pile in winter, the results are always too high. The point is that when warm and humid air from the deep layers of compost passes through the upper, cold layer of compost, it is (the air) cools down greatly. As a result, a condensate is formed, which floods the upper layer of compost. In hot and dry time the opposite is observed – the upper layer of compost becomes too dry.

In practice, unfortunately, there isn’t always a possibility to test the compost on some farms. Often, the technologists must decide when to water based on only the visual evaluation of compost. There are several methods, which allow to this with sufficient accuracy in order to make a decision. It’s enough for the more experienced specialists to look at the compost pile to make a decision.

If the technologist decided to add water to compost, how better do it? It’s impossible to simply water the pile, cone or clump’s surface. Watering the surface is recommended at the 1st phase of composting outdoors, at summer time, when the compost dries up. To increase the whole mass of compost’s humidity, the compost must be watered while it’s mixed. That is why the compost is watered when it’s being mixed. The last correctional irrigation can be made before the compost is pasteurized.


watering first flush mushrooms

wasil, Malaysia:

i suggest you not to water on mush just maintain the good humidity if you not have any auto system for...

Compost Production. Personal opinion (Part 2)



Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...

Hannes, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa:

Can you give me more details on compost without chicken manure for mushroom growing, what alternatives...

Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...


Hi kindly share your formula using 1000kgs wheat straw and no chicken manure. Email shroomcoenterprise...

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Seyed Hoseini Iran:

????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????

watering first flush mushrooms

Edwin, Harare:

Its best to water when pins are thumb size, increase air speed after watering so the surface of the mushrooms...

Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...

Ritesh Sharma, Dholpur, Rajasthan India:

My email id ritesh@. We are coming up with 52 Mushroom...

Compost production: estimation of the process according...


<a href="


Usually paddy straw have a low structure.its have a fast degradable you have focus on your compost...

Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...

JKSingh , Lucknow, India:

We have developed formulations of making compost without chicken manure. It yields similar or even better...

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