Alexander Tsarev
Mushroom industry

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Compost desease (mold)

Compost desease (mold)

6 февраля 2012

diseases, growing technology

Dear Mrs Ljiljana,
I have this compost for a week now, It was a phase III compost and arrived with a big problem from the first day : it overheated in the truck some of the bags were over 40 degrees Celsius, I cooled it down ti 10 -17 degrees and from there begone the problem.... This mold appeared when the temperature inside was over 20 degrees and in the compost 22.
It appeared only in the affected bags where there was no more mycelium. The humidity inside was over 93 RH.
I talked with someone here with more expirience and told me that is a humidity mold and I should not be afraid. Also gaved me some indication to introduce fresh air increase ventilation to 100% and lower the humidity for 12 hours.
Now I am covering the compost! What should I look for these days??

Liviu Gheorghiu


  1. farokhi,tehran, 4 июля 2016:

    what is the reason of mucor mold in compost?

  2. Ionut, 19 марта 2014:

    First thing I reckon is to contact either your compost supplier or the logistics company which delivers your Ph III compost. As you say when you received the compost it had a 40 C temperature which kills your micelium. If it is not the supplier fault i suggest follow Miss Ljiljana indications regarding a Growing issue. Best regards!

  3. Jovanovic Ljiljana, 11 февраля 2012:

    Mr. Gheorghiu,
    In case of overheating compost, when it get over 33C, mycelium start to die.
    Depending on the temperature of compost, mycelium will die to a greater or lesser degree ..It depend how long time was overheat compost, mycelium will die in smaller or bigger extent . At dead mycelium, can start to grow Trichoderma, but, this last picture, make me
    to think at Mucor mucedo. It is not easy distinguish mold looking like this.
    I do not know who is advising you for mushroom growing, but you bayed Compost Faze III. This means, your compost is ready to be covered by casing soil.
    When compost comes to hot, you must cool it at once. But not to give fresh air, because mycelium during vegetative growing, not needs fresh air, but CO2 high.
    RH has to be around 95% . Temperature in compost has to be 25C in air 23C. CO2 has to be high as much as possible (5.000 ppm).
    But, when you buy incubated compost it is ready for casing.
    Do you have casing soil (peat moss ready)?
    This mold, at picture, is difficult to distinguish. You told that this mold is appears at place where mycelium not grows. This means, that this mold is competitor or saprophytic mold.
    In case that other mycelium is viable, it will overgrow empty places, but if not happens,
    you will have "border brake" mushrooms will growing just where mycelium is living, not in the middle of compost block.
    I try to distinguish this mold, but, not easy. In case you have compost temperature, over 33 C to 35C or higher, you can have problems with "False truffle" Diehliomyces microsporus, what make big problems, especially when compost is overheated.
    Let we hope that it isn't dangerous molds.
    Did you cased compost? Did you both ready casing? Or you made it.
    RH95% in air, compost temperature 25C air temperature 22C, CO2 5.000 ppm , ventilation to maintain this conditions. You have to start to watering.
    But please, about it we cant here write large discussion. Please, write to my personal e mail, . Best regards.

  4. Liviu Gheorghiu, 8 февраля 2012:

    This is more relevant I think.

  5. Liviu Gheorghiu, 8 февраля 2012:

    I send you now some more photos to clarify me with this mold.
    Is it dangerous or not, what can I do to stop it???

  6. Jovanovic Ljiljana, 7 февраля 2012:

    Mr. Gheorgiu,
    It is very difficult to give you answer from this photo.
    This mold what we can see, can be different mold, (even Trichoderma) but it can be Humicola grisea, mold what was at compost at end of compost pasteurization. or can be just some mold what appear under humid air .
    Because of it, write to us, how many days is this compost, what is temperature, compost humidity.
    Better picture, macro, and eventually green color of this mold, can give you indication of Trichoderma viride, celulolitical mold, what can attack compost, in case of infection (air born spore ) or mold appeared because of compost C/N disbalance ..
    It is faster answer we cold give to you, without more presented information from you..


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