Alexander Tsarev
Mushroom industry

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Question No.45

25 мая 2017

hi . im amir from iran . i have a mushroom farm.
i have a problem with mycogone. i cant eleminitate this from farm.
what kind of poison that help me?( i heard sporgon)
what i do?
thanks a lot

amir ommati


  1. Царев Александр Владимирович, 27 мая 2017:

    Dear Amir Ommati!
    On which day after the application of peat to compost, the first signs of a mikogon appear? Do you cover the ground yourself or buy ready? Put on compost hands or use special equipment?
    To combat mikogonom you can use sporangon or foundation. Approximately 2 grams per 1 m2 of shelf surface. The best option is to carefully observe the sanitation and hygiene at the mushroom farm. It is very important to remove or isolate the first sick mushrooms. For disposal, disposable plastic bags are used. One sick mushroom - one packet. For insulation use plastic bottles. The bottle is cut into two parts. And each part is closed sick mushroom. Half with the hole is tightly closed with a stopper from this bottle. This method makes it possible to isolate the sick mushroom from healthy ones. And disputes can not fly around the room of cultivation. Usually, spores are spread by mushroom pickers and mushroom mosquitoes. If you have ticks on the compost, they also help the mycone.
    Sincerely, Alexander Tsarev

    • amir ommati, 28 мая 2017:

      thx a lot for your best answer to my mr tsarev.
      1-for your first qustion i saw mycogone in day 13-14 after peat
      2- i buy ready peat
      3- i put the compost with hand
      in thethat you said what kind of dissinfiction that i used in it?
      we very attention to this attend that you remember me .even i clean the farm with the formalin disinfiction. but it at last in farm
      i think mosquitoes make the problem worse.
      i dont know what can i do
      -what company make best sporgon (company name)?
      -how i terminate the mosquitoes?
      Sincerely, amir ommati


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????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????

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