The members of the team that does spawning and compost filling have to:
Spawning and filling the growing rooms with compost.
- Ensure the cleanness of machinery and all equipment for spawning and compost filling. (If any malfunctions are found, the technical personnel should be told in advance);
- Ensure the cleanness of growing rooms (floor, walls, shelves, cloths, racks and other equipment and tools must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with disinfectants);
- Check the cleanness of machinery and equipment at the end of the working day;
- When the work is done, the machinery, equipment and rooms must be cleaned and washed;
- Carry out spawning and compost filling according to technology. When filling is done, the shelves with compost must be covered with paper, and growing room doors must be closed and thoroughly sealed.
The team members must: have clean, disinfected clothes and gloves, before entering the working place, footwear must be disinfected (before starting work, after lunch, and after going to the toilet etc.)
Chemical protection team has to:
- Disinfect the machinery, equipment and the corridor following the route of transportation, the nets, cloths and other inventory with 2% formalin solution before starting work;
- Maintain the time needed for the contact action of the disinfectant and the processed surface (not less than 20 minutes), then thoroughly ventilate the growing rooms;
- After filling the growing room with compost, the paper, floor, walls and doors of the growing room must be treated with 2% formalin solution.
During compost filling and spawning, the personnel doing this work isn’t allowed to enter a clean corridor or the warehouse, or contact personnel engaged in harvesting mushrooms.
All workers on the farm, except those, who are engaged in compost filling, are not allowed in the working corridor or the growing room where the work is being done.
The preparation and application of casing soil.
- The components for the preparation of the casing soil (peat, lime) must be stored special places, not allowing them to be mixed;
- Keep clean the room where the casing soil is stored along with the area adjacent to it;
- Regularly (once a week) conduct chemical treatment and disinfection inside and around the room in order to destroy pests and diseases, which are dangerous for the mushroom culture;
- Thoroughly clean, wash and disinfect all machinery and equipment before starting work;
- Check the working condition of the machinery and equipment and do repair work in advance. If any malfunctions occur during the process, they have to be eliminated as soon as possible. Do not allow the contact of footwear and the used equipment while preparing and applying the casing mixture;
- Transport the casing mixture and its components to the growing rooms only in thoroughly washed and cleaned transportation;
- Apply the casing layer according to technology;
- When the job is done, close and seal the doors in the growing rooms;
- After the application of casing layer, immediately remove the remains of the casing mixture from the working corridor and the growing room, then, clean the floor, machinery and equipment;
- During the process, there mustn’t be any work that doesn’t have to do with the application of casing layer going on in the working corridor, the passageway must be closed.
Personnel that are busy doing their work must have clean and disinfected clothes and footwear, disinfect their footwear before entering their working place (before starting work, after lunch and after going to the toilet etc.)
During compost filling and spawning, the personnel doing this work isn’t allowed to enter a clean corridor or the warehouse, or contact personnel engaged in harvesting mushrooms.
All other workers on the farm are not allowed to be in the working corridor and the growing room where the work is being done.
The jobs carried out before and after the formation of fruit bodies.
The personnel that busy working in the growing rooms and a clean corridor (technologists, operators, irrigation workers, sanitarians, and pickers) should follow the following rules:
- Everyday, begin work in clean, disinfected clothes. Before entering the growing room, disinfect the footwear;
- Carry out jobs starting from new (clean) growing rooms (irrigation, harvesting, sanitary measures etc.);
- Use clean equipment and tools for work. Never carry racks, platforms, containers etc. from old (dirty) or diseased growing rooms to new (clean) ones;
- Never stand on the edge of a shelf, don’t put crates, buckets and other inventory on the beds. Use racks and platforms to work with top shelves;
- Do not leave the growing room doors open even for a little time. Pickers are allowed to leave the growing rooms only during breaks with the permission of the foreman or technologist. The working inventory (racks, crates, buckets, containers etc. must be prepared and carried inside the growing room in advance);
- Never touch the diseased mushrooms and molds while visiting the growing rooms and harvesting. If the diseases are discovered, inform the technologist. At harvesting, the pickers must mark the affected areas with special sticks. If mushrooms are cultivated in bags, the bags affected with diseases can be isolated;
- Irrigation and harvesting must be carried out after the growing has been checked by a team of sanitarians and the diseased mushrooms have been removed with the affected areas disinfected;
- While moving from room to room, all workers must wash their hands and change gloves;
- After the work is done, the racks, platforms and other inventory must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. Waste bins, containers and other implement must also be cleaned;
- Nothing must be laid on the bed surface;
- Smoking during working hours is forbidden. During breaks, smoking in toilets is forbidden.
Zagreb, Croatia:
My name is Zlatko Vidmar.
Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...I am in modern mushroom growing over 40 years.
I see your farm and if...
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Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...nanyuki:
i want to learn like a child on compost making for mushroom
Mushrooms in KazahstanVELLORE TAMILNADU INDIA:
Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...Dear Hiring Manager...
PLEASE SEND YOUR FORMULA without-chicken-manure-compost
watering first flush mushroomswasil, Malaysia:
i suggest you not to water on mush just maintain the good humidity if you not have any auto system for...
Compost Production. Personal opinion (Part 2)NARENDER SEHRAWAT, FARIDABAD NCR:
Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...Hannes, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa:
Can you give me more details on compost without chicken manure for mushroom growing, what alternatives...
Without chicken manure compost? Yes, it's possible...Chloe:
Hi kindly share your formula using 1000kgs wheat straw and no chicken manure. Email shroomcoenterprise...
Compost production: estimation of the process according...Seyed Hoseini Iran:
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