Alexander Tsarev
Mushroom industry

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Abroad will not help us

2 ноября 2010

mushroom farm, economy

Recently Russian media increasingly began to appear the phrase "Doctrine of the food security of Russia.”. In addition, it cannot but arouse positive emotions. No matter how many and who would not talk about the spiritual and material values, you see, all this talk and the very values are much better accepted on a full stomach. In other words, the basis of a fully human life, in the first place is a complete healthy diet. In almost any grocery store, it is hard not to notice that most of the nutritional care of Russian citizens, shifted to the shoulders is not of Russian agriculture. Question: How are concerned foreign manufacturers of food health of Russian citizens? In any case, are less than domestic manufacturers? Moreover, the last they are much easier to control.
So that the "doctrine of the food security of Russia" certainly good for the country. How much - will depend on its practical implementation. Late appearance of this document can be "justified" only famous dictum "better late than never." Maybe this program does finally put an end to painful reflections on why, the richest country in the world cant by her self to feed her own population.

They keep Russia
Mushrooms, certainly are not the most important and essential foodstuffs, but also make a pleasant and useful difference in a variety of menus, and as a consequence, in great demand. Unfortunately, this demand does not met by the Russian mushrooms.

I gave to the mushrooms 25 years of my life, and with complete confidence I can say that-established knowledge and experience, I got, is enough to use them for several years, under certain conditions, to ensure the "mushroom" as food sufficiently for our country. What, actually, I am doing the last 15 years, to the extent of my physical and material possibilities.

In fact, at present, the majority of Russian citizens, reflecting on the mushroom business, we offer two main ways of development.

This is not Holland
The first way - copy "of Dutch technology" (not advanced), buying at the same time everything abroad, condemning your self, to spend many years to working for refund your money invested. Given this fact, and the cost of this option, the creation of this kind of new businesses can afford only the very wealthy people. However, interest in these people to fungi in the majority is only in the order of mushroom dishes in the restaurant.

The second option - is the implementation of various literature sources and internet sites with presentation of mushroom growing based on very outdated information since ‘50-ies, information of a theoretical nature, having little to do with practice. Informationes are suitable, the only amateur cultivation. Certainly, the production of mushroom, based on this option, is noncompetitive and is doomed to bankruptcy. A very good explanation of this approach is - the recommendations of Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to create mushroom complexes from 2004. It is possible that this option is the reverse of the first option. Objective assessment of these recommendations, these options is not only stopping the building of growing plants for mushroom production, and even a small decline.

I have proposed a third option. The knowledge of the essence of what is happening at all stages of composting and mushroom cultivation. If there is knowledge of that essence, you can make very good compost that can give a lot more 30 kg to one square meter-growing surface, and get this crop in the growing room using the simplest equipment.
In this way, the investment of this growing plant, is minimal, and allows you to expand the circle of entrepreneurs who have financial possibilities for the development of this business. I am not against the use of imported equipment, but it is always necessary to remember that any production has to give profit. Purchase of any equipment, including imported from abroad, must be justified economically. Last 15 years of my work to create mushroom complexes convincingly proved the correctness of this approach.

By the way, the total production of mushroom enterprises, the creation of which I directly participated, is more than 2000 tons per year (in Russia). Obtained if it were not for these companies, then sounded the above approaches to the creation of the mushroom business, would suffer even greater fiasco.

On the street -40, composting plant
At the last company in the creation of which I attended, met some very interesting results. The beginning of mushroom fruiting was on day 12-th after application of the casing soil, ending a picking flush on 17 day after the application of the casing soil. First and second flush of mushroom are collected for 9 - 10 days. For 54 days, cycle can collect up to 5 flushes. The yield from 1 ton of compost was 30% or more. This figure is much more objective yield from one esq. The quality of mushrooms was of highest level. In addition, most important we worked with all people who 6 months ago saw a mushroom for the first time. Moreover, all this was possible, thanks to their existing strengths and opportunities!

Mushrooms do not freeze
We offer you here, the site what is one of the small parts of my participation in the implementation of the program "mushroom security" of Russia.
Its goal is to provide basic information about the production of champignons and that our country is quite possible a successful mushroom business.

In the case of your serious desire to come to grips with the mushroom business, you can write to me, and we always find a mutually beneficial ways of cooperation.


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I see your farm and if...

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Can you give me more details on compost without chicken manure for mushroom growing, what alternatives...

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